Monday, December 9, 2013

Follow up interview with Teacher

me:  All ready?
 Participant D:  Yes.
 Sent at 10:15 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Thank you for agreeing to a follow up interview. I hope I haven't troubled you too much! After going back and reading our interview, I realized I missed out on asking about more personal experiences in the classroom and with students. You have lots of experience teaching, so I hope I can trouble you to share a bit more.
 Sent at 10:21 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  I've had several students over the year take my class three times. One student actually failed the class the third time but he was close enough to passing that I gave him the C and sent him on his way. If you wish, I can provide you with all of his relevant biographical information, including his gender. (haven’t asked a question yet; already disclosed gender information)
 Sent at 10:33 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Okay, let's start with that. So you've experienced students retaking your class several times. Did you notice at what point they dropped the class? Trouble with material or lack of effort on their end
 Sent at 10:35 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  Some drop, some stop coming, some don't put in the effort and fail.(didn’t specify at what point he noticed they dropped the class) It's not terribly difficult to do well in my Business Writing course (what might not seem difficult for some may be very difficult for others)- it's pretty much paint by numbers. I reward effort and attention to detail.
 Sent at 10:41 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Do you have an idea of what they found most troubling with the material?
 Sent at 10:46 PM on Wednesday
 me:  This is a writing course and you mentioned you have a pretty evenly distributed diverse classroom. Any pattern in the students that were having trouble with writing and if there was a pattern with a specific item that was of difficulty Sent at 10:48 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  I think the sudden focus on editing can be disorienting for some students. Those with a facility with language and an eye for detail hit the ground running in most cases. (assumption that it’s the focus on editing and not the class material)
 Sent at 10:58 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Do you find it difficult to teach editing skills to a diverse classroom with students who have all different backgrounds/ knowledge of writing? (in previous interview- he stated that he had a very diverse classroom)
 Sent at 11:04 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  I couldn't imagine teaching not being difficult. (unnecessary sarcastic comment; avoided question)
 Sent at 11:07 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Well, of course it is. I deal with younger students where as you deal with college students. In this case, you can shed some light due to your 14 years of experience. You touched on the kids who seemed to be failing due to lack of effort, not so much the material. Can you tell me about some of the best students you've had
 Sent at 11:12 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  The students that do exceptionally well all say the same thing in our "exit interview": "This (3090) was the easiest class I've ever had." Some were not natural editors either. But they put in the time and read the directions and it served them well.
 Sent at 11:16 PM on Wednesday
 me:  What are the steps you as the teacher have taken to help those students that had difficulty and or failed the class several times?
 Sent at 11:27 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  I offer all students the option to email me their work before they hand it in so I can provide more personalized guidance. Some do and some don't. For the students who clearly need it I make clear that I expect them to do so.
 Sent at 11:31 PM on Wednesday
 me:  In regards to the student who failed the class three times, did he follow through with emailing you work prior for comments?
 Sent at 11:33 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  There were more than one and although I can't remember specifics my guess would be no. (why was there more than 1- what is the pattern?) *can remember that he failed the class 3 times, but not remember why
 Sent at 11:34 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Lastly, I know we touched on bias in our last interview. We are all human and are all bias in some way whether it be our upbringing or general stereotypes we make. You mentioned you are very good about being cognizant and guarding that. In this particular case, what kind of bias have you felt and how do catch yourself
 Sent at 11:39 PM on Wednesday
 Participant D:  Well I never want any of my students to fail, but I have to respect that this is a defining thing for them (what’s the defining thing- learning from their own mistakes?) - the opportunity to push back against difficulty and grow as human beings. Sometimes that growth takes three semesters. (avoided question again)
 Sent at 11:46 PM on Wednesday
 me:  Thank you very much for taking the time to have a follow up interview! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
 Participant D:  You too!

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