Tuesday, December 10, 2013

BLOG 17 - Potential draft for paper

Having some trouble narrowing down a focus and choosing categories due to the nature of the topic and mixture of data I collected... Here is my thought for how to set this up, so I can get writing without further difficulty :)


Defining Bias (everyone has a difference of opinion on this) talking about the journey of our human unconscious state of being bias.

Literacy Review:

Article on Bias in the Classroom: Types, Frequencies, and Responses by Guy A. Boysen a & David L. Vogel. Article focusing on lots of studies conducted in the classroom on students being bias. However, not so much focused on what I was interested in- in terms of where is it possibly stemmed from, how do we face it, does it cloud our everyday judgment, etc. Discuss further.


Collaboration of data between teacher and student (interview protocol and questions asked in both interviews) Why were they different? Is it evident that it is a challenge to face human nature of being bias? Discuss further with data to support. Evidence of teacher not realizing his own bias. Students experiences with stories shared of past teachers being bias. Discuss further.

Category of Analysis:

To  be determined.


Conversation challenges/ comfort level between both participants.


Possible connection to challenge of speaking and admitting bias- similarity in both interviews in terms of realizing that not one thing "stems from it"; human nature/ society.


Wrapping up research question/ restating info

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