Tuesday, October 29, 2013


                                                          INTERVIEW PROTOCOL

For my research project, I will be analyzing teacher bias referring to ethnicities. I will interview a teacher and a student to collect data and get a feel for responses for both. I've listed some potential interview questions below.


1. Describe the students in your class.
2. Is there a large group of a particular ethnicity in your class?
3. Do you have more male than female students? Who do you seem to get along with better.
4. Can you recall any particular stories about experiences you've had with your students?
5. How do you interact with your students?
(more to come)


1. In your whole schooling career, can you tell me about any particular ethnicity group of students that you've had in your classes?
2. From observing teachers that you've had, how would you say they interact with their students?
3. Can you tell me any stories about any particular teacher that you've had past or present that you remember distinctly?
3. Have you ever felt as though a teacher was unfair to you?
4. Was there any particular teacher that has impacted your life (positive or negative)
(more to come)

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