Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Formulating a research plan

4.  Formulate a research plan that includes:

Statement of purpose (what you hope to show/discover)
* Purpose to show a connection in regards to teachers unconsciously being bias against students. How has it effected their students? Is their perhaps a domino effect with the student developing a new bias towards a certain type of teacher? I would like to bring awareness to this topic by listening to stories and analyzing the data to see if their is a connection.

Detailed statement of your research question
* 1. Describe the students in your class.
  2. Is there a large group of a particular ethnicity in your class?
  3. Do you have more male than female students? Who do you seem to get along with better.
  4. Can you recall any particular stories about experiences you've had with your students?
  5. How do you interact with your students?
  6. What background do you come from?
  7. How was your upbringing and how were your parents raised?

List of the information you need to gather
* Need to gather lots of personal stories from past and present to distinguish a connection and to see if there is a reason for this bias? Or is it unconscious like most?

A preliminary list of sources
* I'll be interviewing one teacher and one student.
Ask the teacher what kind of comments do they make on their students papers? What does the student I'm interviewing think about the comments they've received from teachers on papers? I'll be conducting a chat interview where I will analyze the data from.



                                                          INTERVIEW PROTOCOL

For my research project, I will be analyzing teacher bias referring to ethnicities. I will interview a teacher and a student to collect data and get a feel for responses for both. I've listed some potential interview questions below.


1. Describe the students in your class.
2. Is there a large group of a particular ethnicity in your class?
3. Do you have more male than female students? Who do you seem to get along with better.
4. Can you recall any particular stories about experiences you've had with your students?
5. How do you interact with your students?
(more to come)


1. In your whole schooling career, can you tell me about any particular ethnicity group of students that you've had in your classes?
2. From observing teachers that you've had, how would you say they interact with their students?
3. Can you tell me any stories about any particular teacher that you've had past or present that you remember distinctly?
3. Have you ever felt as though a teacher was unfair to you?
4. Was there any particular teacher that has impacted your life (positive or negative)
(more to come)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Hi there!

I'm Silvia Shenouda and I'm an undergrad student at Kean University. I am almost a Junior majoring in Elementary Education K-6 and Special Education. I am researching teacher bias. I'm interested in this because I am curious to see what new teachers and more experienced teachers have experienced bias in their career? Was there a time where students felt a teacher was bias against them? How did that impact you? I chose you because you are a teacher who has some stories and experiences to share. I will touch base with you to coordinate if this is something you are interested in and how we can move forward with time and place to discuss. If this is not convenient for you, I am willing to have an interview via chat as a method of note taking. Please let me know what works best for you.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Group: Carolina, Jaleel, Silvia
Group Question: Is the teacher giving the student the option to express his/her own ideas or implementing his/her own?

                In order to answer the above question we would have to first think about the ideas being expressed on these comments. What exactly is the teacher asking? How effective are these comments? How can I use these comments effectively in my paper? How much of my paper and own ideas would I have to change in order to comply with the teacher and myself?

Category of analysis:

In order to determine effectiveness I would see how my ideas and the teacher comments can be linked together. Also, are these comments motivating my writing and giving me the extra push in order to come up with a better piece of writing or am I discouraged after reading these comments. Effectiveness will also be determined by how positive the comments are because if they are negative than the whole purpose of the comments will fail.


                When comments become negative their purpose becomes defeated. While motivating students teachers have to be careful of how critical they're with the student and grading their work. Thus, the teacher must motivate a student who doesn't understand a certain assignment in a certain way. When a teacher does this they might implement their own ideas into a students work to give the student an idea to get their creative juices flowing. While doing this a teacher should be careful on doing this so that the student isn't depending on the teacher for ideas on assignments and the student could do their work on their own. Comments are meant to be positive and for encouragement, the tone and questions asked in a comment can make a difference.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


1. Identify your focus:

My focus for my research project will be on "teacher bias"

2: Identify your research question:

I want to really dissect the topic of teacher bias. I want to learn about how this effects the students, the teachers, and the school as a whole. Where does it stem from? How are teachers supposed to teach about being equal and fair if they have conflict themselves. I want to focus on college students and their experiences from the past or present in which they felt a teacher was bias against them. With that, I would like to focus on college professors and if they have any bias. They've had years of teaching experience and are probably comfortable discussing. I would like to have interviews and compare and contrast. Hopefully, this will narrow down where it stems from and how it affects everyone; even future students if we are in the field of teaching.

3. Who has studied this:

I have not found anyone in particular that has studied this since I just narrowed down my topic. I will be researching articles on teacher bias, what information was analyzed, and what gathered.

4. What I need to find out:

Information that was gathered and what was concluded from this topic.

5. What I need to do to gather information:

I will need to look at facts, articles, and or surveys done on this topic. I feel like this is a domino effect and teacher bias affects a lot. I will work with new teachers vs teachers who have a lot of experience and compare and contrast their experiences and or they've gone away. I will be interviewing college students who can recall past experiences.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ideas on where I am for research project

Focus question: Teacher bias on special needs children and or children in general in the classroom

Question: How do teacher bias effect the students? In what aspects?

*Haven't found any articles pertaining to this to see who studied this

I'm going to do more research to see if I can narrow this topic down more and or if this will be useful information to do a project on. If not, I'm going to have to rethink a new topic.